Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 2

Okay, here is the pic from me at the age of two. I was in my inflattable pool in my grandparents front yard. The hand on the hip thing is something that me, my mom, aunt, and girl cousins do. We learned it from my grandmother. I sometimes find myself doing the left hand on left hip pose and have to stop myself. Also, this is the first pic of me with my bangs in a sponge roller. My mom thought I had the largest forehead in the world and was always trying to cover it with bangs. But the curl would never stay so I always had the roller in the front of my head. I don't know why no one realized that the thing they were doing to cover up my "forehead situation" was actually calling attention to it. Unfortunately, the roller on top of my head will be repeated in this trip down memory lane. We didn't stop that little project until I was old enough to say no more.

The other pic is my grandmother who taught us all that a camera flash equals hand on hip with a big cheesy grin.

No update on my timeline. I inquired about a specific child with my agency but have not heard back from them. It was a bit of a long shot anyway. But it would have been nice to even get a no, as opposed to no answer at all. Still no movement from the top of our list. Very scary, but what can you do? I'm hoping we will have a week with like 5 five referrals!!!! Praying that Kelly W and Holly F get news of a referral tomorrow. It seems that our agency likes Friday referrals.


Adopting1Soon said...

Isn't that a great feeling when mom tries to "cover up" some flaw you have?


Unknown said...

I selfishly want Kelly W and Holly F to get referrals tomorrow, too. They get closer and so do we!!!!

Tami said...

You love that hand on your hip action don't you? you fresh thang!

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