Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hiatus for a Bit

Hi All,

There seems to be some potentially disturbing news regarding my ability to adopt in Ethiopia. At this point, I'm waiting for my agency rep to speak with MOWA to confirm some very disturbing news that is coming out of Ethiopia. If this news is in fact true, I am not sure if/how I will be proceeding with my adoption from Ethiopia.

It was fun to enter the world of blogging, and I wish everyone well on their journey. A part of me is hopeful that this somehow resolves itself, but I'm not anticipating that happening.

Signing off for now....trice


jessica said...

I'm so sorry :(( Please keep us updated. I'm thinking of you.

Tami said...

This is tough. As I said to Robbin we will make it through!

Robbin Hopkins said...

Don't give up on this..... I believe there is something good coming out of this!

Laura said...

Oh don't give up hope. If it doesn't look like your agency is going to get you through consider WACAP.